Monday, April 19, 2010

21 months old

A helping hand

A bus!!!

A bath

Happy 1 and 3/4 Birthday!
(You have been with us now for twice as long as you lived in Vietnam)


B said...

I can hardly wait for the July party! It is going to be fun to see all the little people together.

At 21 months how is the talking going...I was at the speech path today and got an interesting handout called something like torturing the baby until he talks, to encourage Ben to seek help using differentiated words and phrases-not moommmmeeeeeeeeey every time he needs help...#1 eat something the baby loves but don't offer any to the baby...#2 wind up an exciting wind up toy-let it run out and then hand it to the baby (I am paraphrasing slightly but I'm sure you get the idea)

Sandra said...

Very cute. They have very good social skills!
