Sunday, February 21, 2010

Are we identical? Please vote.

Update March 16: 22 identical, 3 fraternal


Meg, Pat, Van and Gerad said...

Yes!!! No doubt! When you have to put different coloured pants on them so you can tell them apart then my vote is identical :)

Francesca said...

Hi Samantha and Woody, even identical twins have slight differences, but no doubt they are egg divided in two and not two different eggs...!!...I think they have slightly different shaped foreheads but otherwise identical....

Unknown said...

I agree, I've only met them once but they seemed pretty identical to me :)

Mom2J&I said...

well, i haven't had the pleasure of meeting them in person BUT I'm not convinced that they are identical. Very, very close and so incredibly beautiful but maybe not identical. Maybe. :)

Jules and Danny said...

They look more alike with each passing picture I see!

M3 said...

I'm voting for fraternal, not identical. They look very different to me. Of course, keep in mind that when I say that about my girls people give me the "she's crazy" look. :-)

The other thing I've heard is that some fraternal twins can look identical (Mary Kate and Ashley Olson) and some identical twins can look different. So who knows! We did the cheek swab DNA test with our girls.

Francesca said...

Well my understanding has always been that fraternal like two siblings born separately, might look similar as two siblings do but they aren't identical?....even though apparently when twins are young they might look alike?....and it seems that yes a blood test would be the sure test to see if they were created as two eggs or one split in two....however if it is possible that fraternal twins look identical then I just learned something new...because I have always understood that fraternal twins don't look identical??? I can understand how confusing this testing or time will be the sure thing....

Samantha said...

I knew that fraternal twins can look almost identical, and identical twins can be a little different. I didn't know Mary-Kate and Ashley were fraternal. This new info pushes me more to the fraternal side (which was my vote, by the way).

Here is more info to help your guesses:
I can tell them apart in 99% of their photos, even if it's just a photo of one of them. But in person, I sometimes mix them up. More often, I will mistake Max for Vanh - rarely do I think Vanh is Max.

The "water" on our boys' brains went down more slowly than average, and their soft spots are still large, both of which could contribute to a difference in head shape.

They have all the same measurements.