For earlier posts click
hereJune 1
Samantha is looking for the X
June 5
Samantha is looking for the number to call in sick
June 15
Samantha is wondering why the dog smells so bad...?
June 19
Samantha is hanging out with newly 11-month-old babies
June 20
Samantha is a fan of crib toys
June 22
Samantha is nothing ends a relaxing bath faster than a fresh spider corpse
June 27
Samantha is alone and thumping (first time boys out with grandparents)
July 14
Samantha is listening to Blues Fest through the baby monitor
July 18
Samantha is getting ready for Max & Vanh's first birthday tomorrow
July 19
Samantha is Happy Birthday Van-bug! Happy Birthday Max-bird!
July 20
Samantha is thankful for the chance to celebrate her children's birthday
July 21
Samantha would like all mommies to know: swim-diapers are machine washable
August 4
Samantha is looking for company for the park
August 16
Samantha had a great time at Mike's cottage, going back Wednesday and this weekend!
Samantha is waterpark tomorrow, 9am, be there or be suffocatingly hot once again
August 19
Samantha is babies 13 months today, ooh lucky month
August 26
Samantha is wondering what is the best way to deal with a poop-in-the-bath situation
September 2
Samantha has the cutest twin boys in the world. It's not boasting I had nothing to do with it.
September 8
Samantha is wasp stings are itchy but not that painful
September 16
Samantha is wondering what the going rate for babysitters is? Thinking it is no longer a dollar an hour... two after midnight...
September 21
Samantha's freaky 14-month old child has 16 teeth!
Samantha's other child is too busy WALKING to grow teeth... yes, Vanh took his first steps. Why do I feel this sense of impending doom?
September 22
Samantha is drunk with car power
October 1
Samantha can't believe the boys missed curfew AGAIN. Oh well, at least they called this time.
October 2
Samantha got the boys' lanterns for Tết Trung Thu tomorrow!
October 5
Samantha loves loves LOVES her boys but is still hoping they nap until five.
October 13
Samantha is thankful for the used toys left on our front porch but needing the batteries for them to appear as well
October 14
Samantha loves playgroup. Sigh.
October 16
Samantha :twin hurricanes leave chaotic plastic rainbows
October 19
October 25
Samantha is not taking her children to a restaurant again until they're 30
October 28
Samantha is finished putting back the garbage that was dumped out by baby #1 when she had to undo the childproofing to get at the cleaning supplies to deal with the coffee pulled off the table by baby #2 while she was changing the 5th diaper of the hour on baby #1 and beginning to wonder if someone snuck a third baby in here?
Samantha :The adjective you are looking for could be birth, biological, first, or Vietnamese. Please don't ask about my children's real mother. I am neither fake nor imaginary.
October 30
Samantha is excited about her first time Trick-or-Treating as a parent
November 1
Samantha wishes the boys would catch on to daylight savings time as fast as they got the idea of Trick-or-treating
November 10
Samantha is officially the mother of toddlers
November 11
Samantha is remembering
November 19
Samantha is celebrating the boys' one-and-a-third birthday today!
November 23
Samantha is TGIM
November 28
Samantha is happy to announce we may have 2 more boys around here soon (for daycare)
November 30
Samantha is thinking WELCOME Molly!
December 3
Samantha is back from (unsuccessful) stroller shopping
December 4
Samantha is hmm quiet playgroup today
December 5
Samantha is listening to her kids meow and hoping they learn some human words soon
December 8
Samantha :Just because the marker says "washable" does not mean it washes off of furniture, paint, plastic, wood floors, or skin. Or teeth.
December 9
Samantha :hello Mr. Snow!
December 10
Samantha is wondering how she raised a child who thinks goldfish crackers and marshmallows are a viable breakfast option.