Saturday, November 27, 2010

Stylin' Saturday #13

Oh the negotiations. We've come a long way from week #1. They don't have a lot of matching stuff so it's neat to see how they dig through the drawer to find it, then convince each other to wear it. They really like to match. Max knows he owns "orange pants" and Vanh asks to see his jeans before he selects a pair "no Pooh".

No matter what they are doing they always drop everything to race upstairs when I tell them it's time to pick their own clothes. Certain events suggest this may have more to do with the desire to get first choice of the sweaters, or the fear that brother will get to pick both outfits, than any actual eagerness to be stylin' and/ or compliant.

As you can see from this first picture this eagerness does not extend to being photographed in said outfits...

... but they know the drill...

...and how to thwart it.

"Time to jump!"

"Time to run!"

Their outfits were improved by the addition of Daddy's sneakers...

... and again by their snowsuits.


B said...

aren't you the busy little poster today...

Samantha said...

Ha ha I was up at 5:30 and the boys slept until 7:30 (usually I beat them by 15 minutes if I'm lucky) and then they had a three hour nap.